Episode 5: Dr David Hamilton - Following Your Heart to Find Your Passion
In episode 5 of our "Unleashing Superpowers" season, we are talking with the inspirational Dr David Hamilton. David is a speaker and author in the realm of neuroscience, holistic healing, kindness and spirituality.
David is an organic chemist and spent 4 years in the pharmaceutical industry before following his heart to write his first book. He has since written 10 best-selling books including "The Five Side Effects of Kindness" and "How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body". David's mission is to use science to inspire and he has opened the worlds of personal growth and the mind-body connection to thousands of people.
What we totally love about David is that he is genuinely inspired by science. He passionately shares things like why kindness is scientifically good for you. He is a just a really lovely man, very grounded, humble and extremely human.
David is a great example of someone following their heart to find their passion.
In this episode, some of the highlights of our conversation include:
- The journey from organic chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry to speaker, author and inspirer on the mind body connection
- How what you believe actively shifts your biology
- How "One day I want to be..." will never happen unless you do something about it
- The recovery from bankruptcy to following the path to your heart’s desire
- How taking action on your purpose can change everything
- How things get difficult when you don’t do what you feel in your heart you are supposed to do
- Using the scientific method to improve your performance
- How having a break and totally distracting your mind can be the most productive thing you can do
- Being kind as a way to change the world…and the science back this up
- How kindness is anti-aging, heals your heart health and reduces your stress
- Practical strategies to develop self-love to overcome not feeling good enough and feeling like an impostor
- How it is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking rather than think your way into a new way of acting
Dr David Hamilton - Using Science to Inspire
David Hamilton has a PhD in organic chemistry and spent 4 years in the pharmaceutical industry, developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Inspired by the placebo effect, he left the industry to write books and educate people in how they can harness their mind and emotions to improve their health.
He is now author of 9 books, all published by Hay House, including, ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’, ‘I Heart Me’ and the Amazon bestseller, ‘The Five Side Effects of Kindness’.
David writes a regular blog on his website and occasional blogs for the Huffington Post (US version). David is the ‘Kindness Tsar’ for Psychologies Magazine and writes the ‘Kindness Project’ in ‘The Fix’ section. He is also the ‘Life Hacks’ monthly columnist for Soul & Spirit Magazine and in 2016, he was voted ‘Best writer’ by readers of Kindred Spirit Magazine. He appears regularly in the media and was recently featured on Channel 4’s live show, ‘Sunday Brunch’, in the UK and ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ in the USA.
David is an advocate for kindness and is working passionately to help inspire a kinder world.