Posts in Purpose & Direction
Are You Trying to Fix The Right Problem?

Think about anything that you want to change in your life.  Almost always it is a problem that you are trying to fix. 

The issue though is that most people approach change half-cocked. They are reacting to some pain or discomfort that they want to get away from it.  This will only get you so far. 

So, could it be that our solutions are not always the best ones?  Perhaps because we are not trying to fix the right problem. 

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4 Creative Strategies to Tame Your Inner Critic

"Don't bother; you'll never be good enough".   " Why even bother? You are going to fail".   "You're stupid.  Why would anyone ever listen to you?".

Sound familiar? You may have noticed that not everything you say to yourself in your head is positive, kind or even useful.  Worse than that though, you probably find that you believe most of it. 

So, how can you overcome your inner critic, stop doubting yourself and move towards your goals and pursuits?  Here are 4 strategies you can use.

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The Power of WHY

It's our first anniversary!  On October 25th, 2016, we launched our first blog post and a lot has happened since then! 

Coming up to our birthday, we took the time to reconnect with our WHY and to review our achievements and we think this is a useful exercise for you to do wherever you are with your projects and passions.

It will undoubtedly reconnect you with your passion, give you clarity and propel you forward in your most certainly did for us.

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2017: Time For A Strong Finish!

Last week we wanted to inspire you with some great reading to 're-kickstart' your year.  This week is all about doing something to make the most of the time we have left this year.

September is almost like a second start or 're-start' to the year with the return to work and school and holidays.  The year may not have gone as you would have liked and it might be tempting to just write off the remainder and coast into the holiday season.

BUT we still have three months left of this year.  You can still make the most of that time and achieve a lot, even if you are not quite where you would like to be.  So this is a perfect time for 're-' activities - review, reflect, re-evaluate, re-activate, re-commit, re-start etc.  After all, "it ain't over until the fat lady sings'!

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