Fifteen Movies to Inspire You To Create Your Brighter Future


If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will have seen some details about our new product - Switch - which we are launching in December.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been writing broadly around themes of each module within Switch.  Last week, we wrote about the past when we looked at reframing failure.  

The week before, we looked at the present by looking at whether any given problem situation in front of you is actually THE problem, or merely a symptom of something else.

Envisioning the future

This week is all about envisioning and creating the future.  For this we wanted to have some fun and pick our favourite movies about creating a better and brighter future, often against all odds.  Also, as we are fast approaching the holiday season, this is a time when we love to hunker down and watch films! 

With that in mind, here are fifteen movies to make you feel good and show that, no matter how bad a situation, it can always be turned it round. 

Let these movies inspire you to create your better and brighter future!

YOUR TURN: Leave a comment below and tell us the movie that inspires you to envision and create a brighter future!